Thursday, April 11, 2013

Emotional Booty-Call

You know those friends who only call when things are great? They only want to hang out when you both are happy and in good moods. You aren't going to share your deepest feelings with them and they'll never bail you out of a tough situation, but they are there for a good time. A fair-weather-friend, we call them.

This is the opposite of that.

This is the friend who you never hear from unless they are in crisis. They only call for advice or to tell you a drama-laden story. They only come over to drink your wine and complain. You are only invited over to their house in times of chaos so that you can help them out. Or if they need an extra hand during their move.

This is an Emotional Booty Call.

We all have these friends and we may not even know it. You may think you have an amazing relationship because they turn to you in times of need and you know all their deep personal trials.

These people are just sucking your stability out of you!

How do you spot an EBCer? Well, do you dread someone's phone call above all others? Knowing that when they call you will be sucked in to some sort of drama for at least a half hour. Do you know someone whose life always seems to be in peril? They may have wonderful and fun things going on in their life but to YOU they are always in crisis because that is all you ever hear about.

Traditional culprits are Ex's and chicks who love drama.

Cut ties with this person. You don't need that!

I mean, unless you like it. Some people like being their friends' "rock" and in that case, carry on.

But personally, if you can't hear about my bad day or call because something great is happening, I don't have time for that.

My previous profession turned my expertise into a regular EBC for MANY of my friends. I spent a LONG time thinking I had great friends who turned to me when they were at their lowest. I must have been important to them if they trusted me with all of their deepest secrets and darkest times. But the fact was, they were never there when I needed something and it got a little exhausting to have them in my life; sucking out my stability.

Never again.

It got old and I had to weed them out.

What about you? Do any of you have any Emotional Booty Call stories?

*I want to thank my lovely friend Holly for introducing me to this term. There has never been a more fitting way to describe some people we know*

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